Coffee And…
On the first Sunday of the month from October to May, our Parish Community comes together after the 10:00 am liturgy for a fellowship and coffee and . . . Committee members are required to prepare a dish to pass, serve and clean up afterward. For information, direct email to:
Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry plans the All Souls Liturgy for bereaved families. The Bereavement Committee offers a Funeral Luncheon to the bereaved family at the time of the funeral. For information, direct email to:
Ministers of Care
The Ministers of Care take Holy Communion to several shut-ins every Sunday after Mass. The Ministers of Care visit the shut-ins and share the Sunday scripture. Training is provided for the ministry. We need more people for this wonderful ministry!
Sunny Hill Ministry
The first and third Mondays of the month, Mass is celebrated at Sunny Hill Nursing Home. Help is always needed for these days. The second and fourth Mondays, Holy Communion is brought to the residents. This ministry takes about two hours a week. Volunteers are needed for this rewarding ministry.
Daybreak Shelter
Sacred Heart Parish is responsible for providing dinner at the Daybreak shelter for the homeless on the third Monday of June, July, August, and September. Volunteers donate or prepare food and serve dinner.
Sacristans volunteer approximately twice a month for light housekeeping within the church. Volunteers are asked to dust the pews, window sills, and sacristy furniture. Sacristans may choose the day and time that is most convenient for them to volunteer for this ministry.
Sacred Heart Family Table
We serve lunch every Tuesday (except the month of July) to our Brothers and Sisters who come from our community, in the Parish Hall. Volunteers are needed and welcomed for preparing and serving lunch. Please prayerfully consider helping with this ministry. For information, direct email to: