It is a little strange being a parent of two little boys. There are so many moments that I look back and remember myself as a child and I start to slip into the same verbiage my parents would use on me. One of those classic parent examples is when we bribe our kids. Please just go to bed and I will give you anything you want tomorrow. Bribing is a last ditch effort after we have exhausted every other possibility and it shows us concretely that we are not perfect.
But then we come to the first reading today. We hear about a God who will give us everything we ask as long as we keep his commandments and do what pleases him. Doesn’t it sound like God is bribing us? As if we are those little children fighting sleep, God is simply asking us to obey His commandments and we will get whatever we want.
If you are anything like me, this verse is a little troubling at first glance. It doesn’t seem like a loving God should be bribing us. Maybe another thought you are having is that you have followed God’s commandments and asked for something and did not receive it in the exact way that you wanted. So we have two “issues” that I want to address today.
Both of these can be addressed with a simple reality. The reality is that we are made by God and our hearts long for Him. If God has created us then it is in living by His laws that we will be most perfectly happy and fulfilled. With this principle in mind, I think it opens up the beauty of this verse and destroys the questions. God asks us to obey his commandments. He doesn’t do this as a bribe, but rather because as a loving father. He knows that if we follow his ways we will be living our lives to the fullest. If we disobey Him we start to lose a part of who we are.
Further, God is not a magic genie. He is not here to grant us three wishes. God desires more than anything that we become united fully with Him in heaven. If we are living in accord with our Creator then our deepest desire will be union with Him. In this sense, God answers our deepest desire when we follow His commandments. Notice that it is not out of duty or expectation, but we follow Him out of love because we desire unity with Him.
Let’s pray for the grace today and every day that we would be able to follow God’s commandments so that we can ultimately have our deepest desire filled, the desire of unity with Him.
Es un poco extraño ser padre de dos niños pequeños. Hay muchos momentos en los que miro hacia atrás y me acuerdo de ser niño y empiezo a recurrir a la misma palabrería que mis padres utilizaban conmigo. Uno de esos ejemplos clásicos de padres es cuando sobornamos a nuestros hijos. Por favor, vete a la cama y te daré lo que quieras mañana. El soborno es un último esfuerzo después de haber agotado todas las demás posibilidades y nos muestra concretamente que no somos perfectos.
Pero luego llegamos a la primera lectura de hoy. Oímos hablar de un Dios que nos dará todo lo que le pidamos siempre y cuando cumplamos sus mandamientos y hagamos lo que le agrada. ¿No suena como si Dios nos estuviera sobornando? Como si fuéramos esos niños pequeños que pelean por no ir a dormir, Dios simplemente nos está pidiendo que obedezcamos sus mandamientos y obtendremos todo lo que queramos.
Si eres como yo, este versículo es un poco inquietante a primera vista. No parece que un Dios amoroso deba sobornarnos. Quizás otro pensamiento que tengas es que has seguido los mandamientos de Dios y has pedido algo y no lo has recibido exactamente de la manera que querías. Así que tenemos dos “asuntos” que quiero abordar hoy.
Ambos pueden abordarse con una simple realidad. La realidad es que fuimos creados por Dios y nuestros corazones anhelan estar con Él. Si Dios nos ha creado, entonces al vivir según sus leyes seremos más felices y realizados. Con este principio en mente, creo que se abre la belleza de este versículo y se destruyen las preguntas. Dios nos pide que obedezcamos sus mandamientos. No lo hace como un soborno, sino más bien como un Padre amoroso. Él sabe que si seguimos sus caminos vamos a vivir la vida al máximo. Si lo desobedecemos, comenzamos a perder una parte de lo que somos.
Además, Dios no es un genio mágico. No está aquí para concedernos tres deseos. Dios desea más que nada que nos unamos plenamente a Él en el cielo. Si vivimos de acuerdo con nuestro Creador, nuestro deseo más profundo será la unión con Él. En este sentido, Dios responde a nuestro deseo más profundo cuando seguimos sus mandamientos. Ten en cuenta que no lo hacemos por obligación ni por expectativa, sino que lo seguimos por amor porque deseamos la unidad con Él.
Oremos hoy y todos los días por la gracia de poder seguir los mandamientos de Dios para que finalmente podamos ver satisfecho nuestro deseo más profundo, el deseo de la unidad con Él.
Tommy Shultz is a Business Development Representative for Diocesan. In this role he is committed to bringing the best software to dioceses and parishes while helping them evangelize on the digital continent. Tommy has worked in various diocese and parish roles since his graduation from Franciscan University with a Theology degree. He hopes to use his skills in evangelization, marketing, and communications, to serve the Church and bring the Good News to all. His favorite quote comes from St. John Paul II, who said, “A person is an entity of a sort to which the only proper and adequate way to relate is love.”
Feature Image Credit: Yarenci Hdz,
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El soborno appeared first on Diocesan.