Daily Prayer for March 9

But if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, then we share together a common life, and we are being cleansed from every sin by the blood of Jesus his Son. 1 John 1:7, NEB

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you as your children, whom you know how to gather. You have brought us into community with you in a wonderful way, in the midst of a world full of unrest, full of misery, and full of sin. For you know your children and lead them into community with you. You comfort them. You give them strength of faith, and confidence in your rulership and your kingdom, which will prevail over everything evil and deathly that still seems to control humankind. But your dominion reaches far, far beyond. You will keep us in your hands. For the sake of those who trust in you, you will send your grace and your help into the whole world. Amen.


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Daily Prayer for March 8

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9–11, NIV

Lord Jesus, we bow before you, before you to whom all power is given. We will love you, O Lord. We will treasure you. Your thoughts shall be our thoughts, that we may learn how you are named in heaven, on earth, and below the earth. Watch over us and be with us until you can come, until the time is fulfilled when you will appear among us and establish God’s kingdom. Then the whole world will rejoice and all people will bend their knees before you, the one Lord and Savior. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Sailing with the Greeks

Adam Nicolson

Setting out to sea in a small sailboat, I taste the liquid freedom that Homer extolled. Read now

The Improbable Revival of the Cloister

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Why are so many young Catholic women choosing radical seclusion as cloistered nuns? Read now

Warehouse Workers of Paris Find Their Voice

Benoît Gautier

In de-industrializing France, a shuttle bus is workers’ last link to stability. Read now

Stanley Hauerwas’s Provocations

Tish Harrison Warren

America’s theologian isn’t worried about the death of cultural Christianity. Read now

Passing On the Farm to My Daughter

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A record-breaking bull showed that my seventeen-year-old is ready to start taking my place. Read now

Daily Prayer for March 7

The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: “The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things! The Lord’s right hand is lifted high; the Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!” Psalm 118:14-16, NIV

Dear Father in heaven, we are your children, and we look to you and to your help at every turn of our lives. Remember us, especially when we want to serve you. Stay with us with your Spirit so that everything may work out to further your kingdom and the victory of Jesus Christ, which is to be proclaimed on earth. Through his victory all people shall find in him their Savior and look to you, our Father in heaven. Yes, Father in heaven, have mercy on the world, on the many who are unfortunate and who suffer from the widespread evil around them. Remember them. Have mercy on us through the strong and mighty Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

The Improbable Revival of the Cloister

Shira Telushkin

Why are so many young Catholic women choosing radical seclusion as cloistered nuns? Read now

Warehouse Workers of Paris Find Their Voice

Benoît Gautier

In de-industrializing France, a shuttle bus is workers’ last link to stability. Read now

Stanley Hauerwas’s Provocations

Tish Harrison Warren

America’s theologian isn’t worried about the death of cultural Christianity. Read now

Passing On the Farm to My Daughter

James Rebanks

A record-breaking bull showed that my seventeen-year-old is ready to start taking my place. Read now

The Quest to Emancipate Labor

Peter Mommsen

Why do we work? The dream of a truly human economy spans millennia, from Genesis to Marx to Martin Luther King. Read now

Daily Prayer for March 6

Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth. Psalm 96:7–9, NIV

Lord our God, you are our help and our comfort. We look to you and to your promises. Grant that we may remain full of courage, also in our personal concerns, so that we do not complain like fretful children, but cheerfully wait for your great victory on earth. May we become your people. Grant your Spirit to your people, not only to a few but eventually to many. Lord our God, we pray that your will may be done on earth among the nations; may your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Stanley Hauerwas’s Provocations

Tish Harrison Warren

America’s theologian isn’t worried about the death of cultural Christianity. Read now

Passing On the Farm to My Daughter

James Rebanks

A record-breaking bull showed that my eighteen-year-old is ready to start taking my place. Read now

The Quest to Emancipate Labor

Peter Mommsen

Why do we work? The dream of a truly human economy spans millennia, from Genesis to Marx to Martin Luther King. Read now

The Backbone of a Country

Evelyn Mow

Luo Zhongli’s 1980 painting Father portrayed an aging farmer in a format usually reserved for deifying China’s political leaders. Read now

The Forgiveness Project

Marina Cantacuzino

In London, an unconventional project shares stories of forgiveness. Read now

Daily Prayer for March 5

Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32, RSV

Lord our God, we come to you as a little flock, asking you to accept us and keep us as your own, whom you will redeem in your time. Protect us always so that we remain strong in faith. Strengthen us in the faith that you are with us, helping us. Grant that your people may come to the light, to the honor of your name. So we entrust ourselves to your hands this night. Be with us, Lord our God, through your Spirit. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Stanley Hauerwas’s Provocations

Tish Harrison Warren

America’s theologian isn’t worried about the death of cultural Christianity. Read now

Passing On the Farm to My Daughter

James Rebanks

A record-breaking bull showed that my eighteen-year-old is ready to start taking my place. Read now

The Quest to Emancipate Labor

Peter Mommsen

Why do we work? The dream of a truly human economy spans millennia, from Genesis to Marx to Martin Luther King. Read now

The Backbone of a Country

Evelyn Mow

Luo Zhongli’s 1980 painting Father portrayed an aging farmer in a format usually reserved for deifying China’s political leaders. Read now

The Forgiveness Project

Marina Cantacuzino

In London, an unconventional project shares stories of forgiveness. Read now

Daily Prayer for March 4

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1–2, NIV

Lord, our God and Father, we thank you for letting us walk in the way of Jesus Christ, for helping us on the way to the Cross. Come what may, we belong to the Savior, and we are your children. We want to be joyful and full of faith, full of hope, full of patience, for your mercy leads us on. In all we experience how often we can say, “Thanks be to God. He has helped us here, he has helped there, he helps every day in spite of all the evil in the world. Praise and thanks and honor be to him forever!” Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Passing On the Farm to My Daughter

James Rebanks

A record-breaking bull showed that my eighteen-year-old is ready to start taking my place. Read now

The Quest to Emancipate Labor

Peter Mommsen

Why do we work? The dream of a truly human economy spans millennia, from Genesis to Marx to Martin Luther King. Read now

The Backbone of a Country

Evelyn Mow

Luo Zhongli’s 1980 painting Father portrayed an aging farmer in a format usually reserved for deifying China’s political leaders. Read now

The Forgiveness Project

Marina Cantacuzino

In London, an unconventional project shares stories of forgiveness. Read now

Confessions of a Former Hack

Shelby Kearns

An aspiring journalist finds her work assignments at odds with her conscience. Read now

Daily Prayer for March 3

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” Luke 9:23–24, NIV

Dear Father in heaven, you have sent us the Lord Jesus to bear our guilt and our misery. To this day we rejoice that he came, he who can free us from all evil. Teach us to understand the way of the Cross, the way Jesus went. Grant that we may always follow him, even if we also suffer and have a cross to bear. Then we can joyfully go the way he went to the glory of your name, O Father in heaven. We are your children whether we understand it or not. You protect and care for us, until your glory comes and everything is completed that was begun through Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Bless us in his Word, and help us to become his true followers. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

The Quest to Emancipate Labor

Peter Mommsen

Why do we work? The dream of a truly human economy goes back millennia, from Genesis to Marx to Martin Luther King. Read now

The Backbone of a Country

Evelyn Mow

Luo Zhongli’s 1980 painting Father portrayed an aging farmer in a format usually reserved for deifying China’s political leaders. Read now

The Forgiveness Project

Marina Cantacuzino

In London, an unconventional project shares stories of forgiveness. Read now

Confessions of a Former Hack

Shelby Kearns

An aspiring journalist finds her work assignments at odds with her conscience. Read now

Willing What God Wills

J. Heinrich Arnold

God needs nothing more than this: that we give him a quiet heart. Read now

Daily Prayer for March 2

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:12-13, NIV

Dear Father in heaven, we ask you from our hearts to give us your peace. Grant that nothing may take your peace from us, and protect us from all that is evil. May we always be mindful that we should serve you in self-denial. May we be faithful on all our ways, looking to the great promise you have given each one of us. Keep us under your protection, as you have always done. We praise and thank you for all that comes to our hearts from you, making us full of trust and certain of your further help. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

The Backbone of a Country

Evelyn Mow

Luo Zhongli’s 1980 painting Father portrayed an aging farmer in a format usually reserved for deifying China’s political leaders. Read now

The Forgiveness Project

Marina Cantacuzino

In London, an unconventional project shares stories of forgiveness. Read now

Confessions of a Former Hack

Shelby Kearns

An aspiring journalist finds her work assignments at odds with her conscience. Read now

Willing What God Wills

J. Heinrich Arnold

God needs nothing more than this: that we give him a quiet heart. Read now

The Third Act of Work

John Fechtel

Work was centered on the home for much of history. Now it’s back. Read now

Daily Prayer for March 1

O taste and see that the Lord is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8, RSV

Dear Father in heaven, we come to you. With thanks we come to you, for again and again you have helped us. Again and again you have let your light shine out on us so that we could be glad and know that our lives are in your hands. Protect us on this earth, where it is so necessary. Protect us, that the light of true life may shine more and more brightly and we may praise your name with our whole heart. Be with us this night, O God, and touch our hearts with your Spirit. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

The Forgiveness Project

Marina Cantacuzino

In London, an unconventional project shares stories of forgiveness. Read now

Confessions of a Former Hack

Shelby Kearns

An aspiring journalist finds her work assignments at odds with her conscience. Read now

Willing What God Wills

J. Heinrich Arnold

God needs nothing more than this: that we give him a quiet heart. Read now

The Third Act of Work

John Fechtel

Work was centered on the home for much of history. Now it’s back. Read now

Rednecks and Barbarians of France

Vincent Lloyd

Houria Bouteldja’s latest book marks a turn from racial politics to solidarity. Read now

Daily Prayer for February 28

For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57:10-11, NIV

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you that you have always been gracious to us, revealing your great goodness and power in ages past and in the present. In this revelation we live, O Lord our God. You are the almighty One, who works wonders on earth and who rules the heavens so that we can be blest and helped on our earthly paths. Let your goodness and your justice be revealed throughout all the world. Arise, O Lord our God. Let your light shine in us who believe in you. Let your light shine into the whole world. Let your name be glorified. You are indeed our Father, both in heaven and on earth. You give our lives security now and in eternity. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Confessions of a Former Hack

Shelby Kearns

An aspiring journalist finds her work assignments at odds with her conscience. Read now

Willing What God Wills

J. Heinrich Arnold

God needs nothing more than this: that we give him a quiet heart. Read now

The Third Act of Work

John Fechtel

Work was centered on the home for much of history. Now it’s back. Read now

Rednecks and Barbarians of France

Vincent Lloyd

Houria Bouteldja’s latest book marks a turn from racial politics to solidarity. Read now

Finding Playmates in a Country with Few Children

Gaetano Masciullo

In a country with plummeting birth rates, an Italian father seeks the simple joy of children playing together. Read now
