Daily Prayer for July 27

I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. John 10:16, NIV

Lord our God, bring us together as one. Give us your Spirit so that we may know you, so that joy may fill our hearts, not only for ourselves but also for others. Root out evil from the earth. Sweep away all that offends you, all lying, deceit, and hate between nations. Grant that all people may come to know you, so that disunity and conflict may be swept away and your eternal kingdom may arise on earth and we may rejoice in it. For your kingdom can come to people even while on earth to bring them happiness and to make them your own children. Yes, Lord God, we want to be your children, your people, held in your hand, so that your name may be honored, your kingdom may come, and your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.


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Daily Prayer for July 26

Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you. Psalm 119:89–91, NIV

Lord God, we thank you for your Word, greatest and most glorious of all that comes to our human life. Every day we want to find more joy in your help, in what you are doing for us. Again and again we feel and rejoice in the new help, new strength, and new courage for life given by your Word. We seek and seek to find Jesus Christ, the eternal Life. He will surely come to establish your kingdom. Praise to your name, eternal, glorious, almighty God! Be with us poor, lowly people. Strengthen us in spirit, and enable us to persevere until everything is fulfilled that is promised by your Word. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

An Irreplaceable Cog in the Wheel

Keturah Hickman

If you make yourself indispensable, who will continue your work when you are gone? Read now

For the Least of These

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The Bowery Mission in Manhattan takes its cues from Jesus’ words. Read now

Gerhard Lohfink: Champion of Community

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We don’t follow Jesus alone. Read now

Who Gets to Tell the Story?

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In R. F. Kuang’s Yellowface a woman sells her dead friend’s novel as her own. Read now

The Wonder of Moths

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Gorgeous and fragile, moths showcase nature’s richness and vulnerability. Read now

Daily Prayer for July 25

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17, NIV

Dear Father in heaven, Creator of what is good, beautiful, and full of joy so that all may work in harmony with you, we thank you for all the good that comes to us. May we be your children, joined together to serve you. May our life bring joy to others, and may we do good without ceasing through your great, strong love, which moves us, strengthens us, and helps us every day, however hard life may be. May your name be praised throughout the world. May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

For the Least of These

Jason Storbakken

The Bowery Mission in Manhattan takes its cues from Jesus’ words. Read now

Gerhard Lohfink: Champion of Community

Timothy J. Keiderling

We don’t follow Jesus alone. Read now

Who Gets to Tell the Story?

Lore Ferguson Wilbert

In R. F. Kuang’s Yellowface a woman sells her dead friend’s novel as her own. Read now

The Wonder of Moths

Caroline Moore

Gorgeous and fragile, moths showcase nature’s richness and vulnerability. Read now

A Requiem for World War I

Marianne Wright

Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem was intended to serve as a warning to future generations of the futility of taking up arms. Read now

Daily Prayer for July 24

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:35–36, NIV

Lord our God, we bow down before you in this time when you have brought us hardships and judgment. Change this earthly age, we beseech you. Bring in something from heaven so that your will may be done and your mercy come to all nations. Strengthen us on all our ways, we pray. We thank you for all you have done for us. May your name be praised and glorified at all times. We want to follow you and to remain in your heavenly life. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Gerhard Lohfink: Champion of Community

Timothy J. Keiderling

We don’t follow Jesus alone. Read now

Who Gets to Tell the Story?

Lore Ferguson Wilbert

In R. F. Kuang’s Yellowface a woman sells her dead friend’s novel as her own. Read now

The Wonder of Moths

Caroline Moore

Gorgeous and fragile, moths showcase nature’s richness and vulnerability. Read now

A Requiem for World War I

Marianne Wright

Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem was intended to serve as a warning to future generations of the futility of taking up arms. Read now

When a Bruderhof Is Born

Maureen Swinger

What’s it like to be a young person in a young community? Read now

Daily Prayer for July 23

Salvation is to be found through him alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us. Acts 4:12, TEV

Dear Father in heaven, we thank you that you have revealed to us the name Jesus Christ, the name of your Son, who leads us to you as your children. May your hand be plainly seen over all the suffering and dying people of our time. May your hand soon bring in a new age, a time truly of God and of the Savior, fulfilling what has long been promised. Watch over us this night. Bless us. In suffering, continue to uphold us with your mighty hand. In grief, may your name still be honored. May your kingdom come, breaking into all the evil of the world, and may your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Who Gets to Tell the Story?

Lore Ferguson Wilbert

In R. F. Kuang’s Yellowface a woman sells her dead friend’s novel as her own. Read now

The Wonder of Moths

Caroline Moore

Gorgeous and fragile, moths showcase nature’s richness and vulnerability. Read now

A Requiem for World War I

Marianne Wright

Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem was intended to serve as a warning to future generations of the futility of taking up arms. Read now

When a Bruderhof Is Born

Maureen Swinger

What’s it like to be a young person in a young community? Read now

My Neck of the Woods

Felix James Miller

The Adirondack Park, a mixture of strongly protected public and private lands, is a great example of how humans can dwell in the natural world in a way that benefits both. Read now

Daily Prayer for July 22

You are those who have stood by me in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom Luke 22:28–30a, NIV

Lord our God, we thank you that we may be your children and that we may hope in your Spirit. Your Spirit rules us as people whom you want to draw to yourself, as people who may serve you in their lives here on earth. Grant that we may be childlike, so that your Spirit can rule us more and more and what is good may come to many people in all places. May many come to know that their lives are not merely temporal. May they realize that they can live and act in you, and through you may experience the good that is to come to all nations on earth. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

The Wonder of Moths

Caroline Moore

Gorgeous and fragile, moths showcase nature’s richness and vulnerability. Read now

A Requiem for World War I

Marianne Wright

Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem was intended to serve as a warning to future generations of the futility of taking up arms. Read now

When a Bruderhof Is Born

Maureen Swinger

What’s it like to be a young person in a young community? Read now

My Neck of the Woods

Felix James Miller

The Adirondack Park, a mixture of strongly protected public and private lands, is a great example of how humans can dwell in the natural world in a way that benefits both. Read now

Violence Is Counterproductive

Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, Hans Denck and Menno Simons

Early Anabaptist writers make the case against a Christian’s use of violence. Read now

Daily Prayer for July 21

My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young – a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Psalm 84:2–4, NIV

Lord God, our souls long for you and for your glory, for the day when it shall be said, “All is accomplished! Now your kingdom comes. Now your day appears. When we look back on all that has happened to us, everything becomes clear.” We thank you that we can live without fear, again and again refreshed and renewed, waiting for the good you give on earth. Show us the way we have to go. Grant your blessing in our hearts so that in need and death, in fear and distress, we may always have light and strength. You are our salvation, Lord our God. From you comes the salvation of our souls. We trust you today and every day. We praise your name, and in you we hope for the day you hold in readiness for the whole world, the day when light will dawn in every heart. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

A Requiem for World War I

Marianne Wright

Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem was intended to serve as a warning to future generations of the futility of taking up arms. Read now

When a Bruderhof Is Born

Maureen Swinger

What’s it like to be a young person in a young community? Read now

My Neck of the Woods

Felix James Miller

The Adirondack Park, a mixture of strongly protected public and private lands, is a great example of how humans can dwell in the natural world in a way that benefits both. Read now

Violence Is Counterproductive

Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, Hans Denck and Menno Simons

Early Anabaptist writers make the case against a Christian’s use of violence. Read now

Toward a Gift Economy

Simon Oliver

Some goods and services have value beyond their market price. Read now

Daily Prayer for July 20

They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that all will then go well for them and for their children after them. Jeremiah 32:38–39, NIV

Lord our God, you want to be our God and you want us to be your people. Give us the inner integrity and the power to discern and reject what does not come from the heart, so that everything may be genuine among us. Then no lies and deception will creep in, and honesty and goodness will flow from our hearts to the glory of truth, to the glory of the gospel and the great hope you give us through the gospel. Guard our hearts. Protect the good that is planted in them, that it may grow and thrive and bear fruit. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

When a Bruderhof Is Born

Maureen Swinger

What’s it like to be a young person in a young community? Read now

My Neck of the Woods

Felix James Miller

The Adirondack Park, a mixture of strongly protected public and private lands, is a great example of how humans can dwell in the natural world in a way that benefits both. Read now

Violence Is Counterproductive

Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, Hans Denck and Menno Simons

Early Anabaptist writers make the case against a Christian’s use of violence. Read now

Toward a Gift Economy

Simon Oliver

Some goods and services have value beyond their market price. Read now

When the Bees Lose Their Way

Nick Ripatrazone

A review of Liquid, Fragile, Perishable by Carolyn Kuebler. Read now

Daily Prayer for July 19

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9–10, NIV

Lord our God, we rejoice that we may be called your children. In our weakness we ask you to shelter us in your hands. Strengthen us in the hope and faith that our lives will surely go the right way, not through our strength but through your protection. Grant that through your Spirit we may come to know more and more that you are with us. Help us to be alert in our daily life and to listen whenever you want to say something to us. Reveal the power and glory of your kingdom in many people, to the glory of your name, and hasten the coming on earth of all that is good and true. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

My Neck of the Woods

Felix James Miller

The Adirondack Park, a mixture of strongly protected public and private lands, is a great example of how humans can dwell in the natural world in a way that benefits both. Read now

Violence Is Counterproductive

Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, Hans Denck and Menno Simons

Early Anabaptist writers make the case against a Christian’s use of violence. Read now

Toward a Gift Economy

Simon Oliver

Some goods and services have value beyond their market price. Read now

When the Bees Lose Their Way

Nick Ripatrazone

A review of Liquid, Fragile, Perishable by Carolyn Kuebler. Read now

The Home, a Monastery?

Evan B. Howard

To what extent can an ordinary nuclear family live a fully consecrated life? Read now

Daily Prayer for July 18

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. John 4:23–24, NIV

Lord our God, we thank you for being among us as our Father, for letting us be your children on earth. We thank you that as your children we can find life in spirit and in truth. Grant that each of us may find how our lives on earth can be lifted up by your Spirit. Your Spirit can bring us what we do not possess, so that our daily work, all our striving and struggling for the outward things of life, may be pervaded by what is higher and greater. Your Spirit can keep us from falling into base and petty ways, from getting lost in earthly experiences which do not last, no matter how much they demand our attention. We thank you for all you have done for your children. Continue to help us, that we may serve you every day in gladness and gratitude. Amen.


Recent articles on Plough

Violence Is Counterproductive

Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, Hans Denck and Menno Simons

Early Anabaptist writers make the case against a Christian’s use of violence. Read now

Toward a Gift Economy

Simon Oliver

Some goods and services have value beyond their market price. Read now

When the Bees Lose Their Way

Nick Ripatrazone

A review of Liquid, Fragile, Perishable by Carolyn Kuebler. Read now

The Home, a Monastery?

Evan B. Howard

To what extent can an ordinary nuclear family live a fully consecrated life? Read now

Let Yourself Be Eaten

Chiara Lubich

Put yourself at the service of your neighbors. Read now
